Utah Genealogy Records and Resources

From census records to death records, try searching some of the resources below. Some of the resources require a subscription but will allow for free searching. You can at least see if a record match exists for your ancestor. Other resources are free and have scanned images of original documents.

Resource Description Cost Record Types
Ancestry.com Best one-stop-shop for genealogy searches, family tree creation Free Trial Birth, Death, Census, Stories, Pedigrees
Family Search.org Very large collection of names and family trees. Free Pedigrees, Census, Social Security, Vital Records
US Federal Census Records Census records on Ancestry Free Trial US Census
Social Security Death Index Search for social security records of deceased ancestors. Free SearchesFree Trial Social Security
Scanned Death Records Utah.gov Type your ancestor’s name into the box to view an image of scanned death records. Free Death, Birth, Census
Newspapers Utah.edu Scans of old Utah newspapers. Great resource! Free Stories, Obituaries
Vital Records Utah Vital Records request Fee per record Birth, Death, Divorce
History of Towns and Cities Type the name of the city (and state) you are looking for. Free Articles
Mormon Pioneer Diaries Microfilm of Mormon Pioneer journals. Free listing List of Journals
Mormon Pioneer Records List of individuals that “came across the plains” as pioneers Free Index, Excerpts from journals
Center for Family History and Genealogy Links to Irish, Welsh Mormon history, African American Research sites, women in history. Free Written articles and list of links.
Google News Archive Search archives of dozens of newspapers covers 100+ years. Free to search Newspaper articles

Places you can visit in person:

Family History Library in Salt Lake City. The largest family history library in the world. Founded in 1894 and visited by about 1,900 people per day.

Center for Family History and Genealogy at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. The Center has a lab that you can search microfilm or make searches on computer. Located in the Lee Library. Probably the second largest library of its type in the world.

LDS Stake Centers. Many LDS Stake centers around the world are equipped with small family history libraries staffed with volunteers willing to help and teach for free.