How you can turn your Blog into a Book

If you’re like most people, either you or your family members have a blog (a blog is somewhat of a journal kept on the Internet just FYI).  A family member recently commented to me that she wants to have her blog act as her journal, but she wants a way to print...

Preserving Your Library of Learning Part 2

The type of books you read tell much about your personality. A personal library handed down from one of your ancestors can be a treasure without measure. However, not everyone in the family can benefit from receiving an ancestor’s library or books. We recently...

Preserving Your Library of Learning

There are many ways to leave a legacy.  One way is to leave behind a library of good books.  The only problem with this is that the library you leave behind with physical books will have a limited reach depending on the family members who end up with your books. ...

Top 5 Ways to Preserve Family History with Audio

Sounds, sounds, sounds. There are lots of sounds in this world, but none so unique or as appreciated as the human voice (I could possibly be biased however). Nevertheless, the most appreciated sounds/voices to you are probably those of your family members....

30 Days to Keeping a Consistent and Meaningful Journal

Some people are avid journal keepers while others have a very difficult time starting a diary. If you’re one of those that have trouble keeping a consistent journal, you’ve come to the right place. If you follow the instructions below, you’ll be on...